Dienstag Aug. 15, 2006

Today's Links

darkerradio - Für die dunklen Jünger unter uns, gibt's bei darkerradio einige Songs schöne zum Downloaden.
Pligg - digg.com selber bauen? Pligg ist eine Open Source PHP Implementierung.
Flight Into Mariner Valley (Google Video) - Eine wünderschöne Animation über den Mars
GraphEdit is a graphical tool to video conversion. It allows you to see exactly what is going to be converted to what.
OpenCyc is the open source version of the Cyc technology, the world's largest and most complete general knowledge base and commonsense reasoning engine.
MeGUI is a modern frontend for open source audio and video encoding:
* Supported input video: MPEG-1 & MPEG-2, AVI, AVS*
* Supported input audio: MPEG-1 & MPEG-2 audio, AVS, anything playable via Directshow
* Supported video encoders: x264 (H.264/AVC), XviD (MPEG-4 ASP), libavcodec ASP (MPEG-4 ASP), Snow (non-standard)
* Supported audio encoders: lame (MP3), FAAC (AAC), Nero (AAC)
* Supported output containers: AVI, MP4, MKV
What are your favorite Firefox add-ons / extensions?
Scripting for the Java Platform
Opinion: Will Google Web Toolkit Matter?
Java2Script (J2S) Pacemaker provides an Eclipse Java to JavaScript compiler plugin and an implementation of JavaScript version of Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) with other common utilities, such as java.lang.* and java.util.*.
Crawling the Web with Java - Ein Tutorial wie man einen Webcrawler in Java programmiert.
Die berauschenden Möglichkeiten von Web 2.0 - Ich werf mich weg :-)) Zu geil die Story hier...


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