Mittwoch Apr. 04, 2007

Today's Links

Thunderbird Extension QuickReply - Schneller antworten mit Thunderbird Erweiterung QuickReply 
ExploreFS: Filesystem aus Eclipse heraus öffnen
Charming Python: Python elegance and warts, Part 1

vPostMaster Linux Email Server - Complete Postfix email server solution including spamfiltering, virus filtering, webmail, POP3, IMAP... (Postfix, Spamassassin spam filtering, ClamAV virus filtering, Squirrelmail webmail)
Download podcasts and sync music automatically with podget - Podcasts automatisch per Cron downloaden und auf den iPod synchen.
Python on Planes is an open-source web framework that's optimized for python happiness.
Linear Algebra - An Introduction to Linear Algebra for Pre-Calculus Students - Ein komplettes Buch zum Thema online

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